The Center for Social Entrepreneurship

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Upcoming Events

Modern Community Development

The Center for Social Entrepreneurship’s mission is to help iVillagers eliminate blight, harness talent, grow businesses, and engage, civically. There are 4 pillars:  housing, education, economic development and community engagement. All CSE projects target individual wealth helping the family and the iVillage become sustainable.  At CSE, we seek the internal discipline to push the envelope in thought and action, in ourselves and iVillagers.

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woman standing if farmer's marketwoman designing clothing
young girl painting
LMC Center video

LMC Center

The Bill and Lillian M. Cooley Center is a 10,000 square ft. state of the art facility located in the heart of the iVillage encompassing “All things technology!” The LMC Center seeks to capture the late Mrs. Lillian Cooley, a Jackson librarian, known for her commitment to education, at all levels. Additionally, the LMC highlights her work with Mississippi Consortium for International Development.
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About Us


Our Initiatives




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Community Partners


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iVillage After School Program Scholars - YTD


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Local Investors


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JSU Students Residing in the iVillage


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Tax Roll Additions

Recent News

IVillage at Barr Elementary

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Coolest Office: Center for Social Entrepreneurship

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Learn How CSE Plans to Be the Change.

Changing the lives of iVillagers through community engagement, economic development, education and housing improvements.

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